Creatively Repurpose Home Linen for DIY Crafts | DIY Crafts in this Lockdown | Spaces

Creatively Repurpose Home Linen for DIY Crafts | DIY Crafts in this Lockdown | Spaces

Art & craft helps us keep our children constructively engaged and also develops their hand-eye coordination, concentration, creativity and self-expression. And it’s a cherry on the cake if our little genius’ craft activities also yield some sustainable and functional décor items. We always try to make our interior spaces warm, cozy, and welcoming. But it is time that we make it sustainable too. Making sustainable choices, like upcycling at home, inculcates the habit of living sustainably from a young age and also facilitates decluttering our spaces.

Indulging in DIY crafts is an easy way to upcycle things and spend quality time with kids at home. If you are wondering where to start with, then answer lies in the question - Do you have enough handbags? Handbags & tote bags are priced possessions that no girl can ever have enough of. You either don’t have a particular size or a particular shade. But no need to worry on that front anymore. You can now put some dated home linen to good use & make tote bags at home. Join hands with your kids, pull out some old linen from the cupboards and trunks which you can reuse & check out this step wise guide to making upcycled DIY tote bags : 

When kids are indoors, another problem all moms face is to keep their homes sorted & organized. Organizing is a task and choosing the right organizer that fulfills your needs is a tougher task. Sometimes the shelf is too big, too small, the pockets are too tight or too loose. So here is a way to make your own customized organizer that can be hung on the wall and you can customize its dimensions as per your needs. All you need to do – gather some stored away bedsheets and pillow covers, some wooden frames, the basic craft materials, some acrylic paints if you wish to add vibrant colors to complement your décor and then huddle up with your child to watch our video guide, that will help you get through while creating this masterpiece. 

Your kids might want to put their stationery, books or even toys after their play session, into the Kiddo-Wall-Organizer; while you can sort your cosmetics, magazines, or hair accessories in your very own Mommy’s-Wall-Organizer!

Customize your DIY crafts, take the liberty to spice up mundane décor and bond further with your children. Upcycling is the best way to give a new purpose to the treasured, old linen while making memories with your little ones. All it takes is a little creativity, working in unison with your kids and…Voila! Your indoors can be transformed into bright and joyous spaces.