Banish Bed Bugs: 3 Best Ways

The Biggest Menace in The Home

You wake up with itchy welts on your skin and find traces of rust-coloured bloodstains on your pillows. You think you were bitten by mosquitoes in the night, but then you feel something biting you inside your clothes. You pull out the offender, and it’s a bed bug.

The Biggest Menace in The Home

You would be forgiven for thinking that the biggest and most problematic pests in the house are roaches and rodents. But these pests can be controlled and eliminated far more easily than an even bigger menace: bed bugs.

Bugs are some of the toughest creatures in the world. They have a flat body structure and strong exoskeleton that can withstand great force – most of them are not easily crushed, and some may even survive without their own heads for up to a week. They are undeterred by sprays that would fell other pests, or poisons, or even ordinary washing and cleaning. Besides, they multiply rapidly, and a female bug may lay as many as 100 eggs at a time. The eggs are tiny and can be mistaken for dust flakes.

If you have a bug infestation in your home, you should try the following 3 ways to get rid of them:

#1 Get anti-bacterial bedsheets


Bed bugs thrive by biting humans and sucking their blood. They are most active at night, hence they are most likely to hide in mattress crevices, folds of the bed linen, space under the bed, etc. Though bed bugs may infest even the cleanest of spaces, they are repelled by sanitised surfaces to some extent. We recommend browsing our collection of anti-bacterial cotton bedsheets to use as a first line of defence against bug infestations. Bed bugs are also killed by hot water, so you will need to wash your bed linen in hot water infused with anti-bacterial soap to break the chain of infestation.

#2 Use a stiff brush over furniture seams


Bed bugs hide in dark spaces, and their flat bodies allow them the leeway to crawl into the smallest of cracks and hide there. You are most likely to find them in crevices and seams of the furniture (couches, futons, sofa chairs), bed, and even the stitches on your dohar and duvet covers. You must get them out by force – use a brush with stiff bristles and run it repeatedly over furniture/fabric folds and seams. This removes lurking bugs and also their eggs. Be careful about sweeping up the bugs and their eggs in a Ziploc bag – do not throw them in the trash can or they will crawl out again. Once you are convinced that the surfaces are bug- and egg-free, use an anti-bacterial dry shampoo on them and vacuum up the cleaned areas.

#3 Enlist professional pest control to eliminate the infestation


After a first preliminary treatment at home, you must now get professional pest control and cleaning done to eliminate the infestation altogether. Bed bugs are remarkably resilient and may survive without feeding for up to one year! Meanwhile, they continue to multiply rapidly and lay eggs, which give rise to more bugs. Only a professional chemical treatment can get to the last bed bug and egg in the house, and kill them all before the problem becomes acute. Based on the degree of infestation, two or more cycles of chemical sprays and dips may be needed to disinfect every surface in the house. During this time, it is advisable to live elsewhere, especially if have young children and/or pets in the home.

DISCLAIMER: **Anti-bacterial finish - Prevents >99.9% bacteria growth in product. Certified by Independent third party NABL approved lab. Results are done as per AATCC 100-2012 standards. Actual performance may vary due to different environment, washing pattern, and usage.