A Never-Ending Debt: What Is Sleep Deprivation and How Does It Lead You into Sleep Debt?

A Never-Ending Debt: What Is Sleep Deprivation and How Does It Lead You into Sleep Debt?

Say you were to lose 2 hours of sleep one night. Not a big deal right? It’s just 2 hours after all. But what if this happened over several nights?

2 hours of sleep lost every day. 

2 hours x 7 nights = 14 hours.

14 hours per week. 56 hours per month. 672 hours of lost sleep, every year

Now, that IS a big deal. Sleep is a very important factor for staying healthy. There’s a reason why keeping someone awake for extended periods of time was utilized as a torture method throughout ancient history, sleep is an integral daily activity. 

Yet, we don’t seem to care much when we lose out on an hour or two of sleep most nights. But it’s by losing out on small amounts of sleep on a daily basis that leads to us being sleep deprived and, eventually, being trapped in “Sleep Debt”. Unfortunately, this is a debt you will never be able to pay back. After all, time once lost can’t be regained and the same goes for sleep.

A person is said to be sleep deprived when they get less than the ideal number of hours of sleep. Adults require 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night while children require even more hours of sleep, as they are still developing.

Sleep deprivation ties into the quality of sleep as much as the quantity. A person who gets 8 hours of sleep but has disturbed sleeping patterns can also be counted as lacking in sleep. 

(this can be made into an infograpic)

  • New-borns (0-3 months): 14-17 hours each day
  • Infants (4-11 months): 12-15 hours
  • Toddlers (1-2 years): 11-14 hours
  • Pre-schoolers (3-5): 10-13 hours
  • School age children (6-13): 9-11 hours
  • Teenagers (14-17): 8-10 hours
  • Younger adults (18-25): 7-9 hours
  • Adults (26-64): 7-9 hours
  • Older adults (65+): 7-8 hours

What Are the Symptoms of Sleep Deprivation?

Everyone is well aware about the benefits of sleep, but few know the signs of sleep deprivation. Some of the symptoms are, 

Lack of sleep for extended periods can have some very serious side-effects on our health:

That’s why it is imperative that you never fall into a sleep debt, and get good quality sleep for the required number of hours. Not only does it keep you feeling energized and focused through your day, it helps reduce the chances of suffering serious health problems as well. 

Different Kinds of Sleep Deprivation

Sleep deprivation can be understood in three categories, 

Sleep deprivation can occur for a variety of reasons. Lifestyle factors, stress, work obligations and medical conditions all contribute to the growing prevalence of sleep deprivation in society.

Many causes can be controlled, such as staying up late watching TV or scrolling through one’s phone. Work obligations and stress may not be as easy to manage but just as impactful on your sleep cycle. So while it can be difficult, it would be a good idea to plan your daily tasks in the morning so you can finish them off in a timely manner. Medical and mental health conditions such as anxiety, insomnia and sleep apnea, a breathing disorder which causes disruptions in your sleep, and should be discussed with a professional for the best possible treatment.

But don’t feel defeated. There are steps you can take, on your own, which can help you improve the quality and quantity of your sleep, as well as regulate your sleeping schedule.

Sleep deprivation, and sleep debt, are very dangerous pitfalls that many people fall into unknowingly. Getting good quality sleep requires small changes to your everyday schedule as well as the proper bed linens which ensure you sleep, uninterrupted. 

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SPACES bed linens offer the perfect balance between aesthetics and comfort. With our cosy comforters, soft 100% cotton bedsheets and supportive pillows on your bed, we’re sure you’ll be erasing that sleep debt in no time!